When To Call An Emergency Plumber And What To Expect

There's nothing like a leaky toilet to ruin your day. If you've ever had the experience of having to call a plumber in the middle of the night, then you know how stressful it can be. That's why we're here: to help you with that decision by explaining when you should call Emergency Plumber Port Stephens and what to expect after they arrive on the scene.

Leaking toilets

One of the most common plumbing issues is a leaking toilet. Toilets are designed to last for years and years, but they can begin to leak at any time. When you notice that there is water on your floor or in the bowl after you flush, this is a sure sign that there's something wrong with your toilet. Fortunately, it's an easy fix--as long as you know how to do it yourself!

emergency plumbing

To fix a leaking toilet:

  • Remove everything from under the bowl (the tank) except for two small screws at each side near where it attaches to the wall behind it; these hold down flanges that help support its weight when filled with water
  • Remove the two screws at each side of the bowl and lift up on it to see if there is any water inside. If there is, carefully empty out as much as possible without disturbing anything else in your bathroom (if you have a clean-out plug on one end of your toilet's drain pipe, use that to help speed things up).

Blocked drains

A blocked drain is an emergency, and you should call a plumber immediately if you are experiencing this problem. A blocked drain can be caused by a number of things, but the most common cause is hair or soap built up in your pipes. If you have children or pets who use the bathroom in your home, then it's likely that they have put some type of buildup into your drains.

A quick way to unblock a drain is by pouring hot water down it with some vinegar added for good measure (the vinegar helps break up any soap). This method will work for smaller blockages but may not be effective on larger ones where there are multiple layers of gunk built up inside your pipes that need to be cleared out completely before they will function again properly without being clogged once again quickly after being cleaned out initially due to lack of maintenance over time by homeowners who don't know how important regular maintenance truly is when preventing these types of problems from occurring further down line down road later on down life span lifespan lifespan period period time period time span period!

Broken central heating systems

If you have a broken central heating system, it's important to call Emergency Plumber Port Stephens as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more damage will be done. A plumber will be able to fix the problem and prevent further damage from occurring. The cost of calling a plumber will be less than the cost of repairing or replacing your system if left unrepaired for too long.

If your plumbing is old and outdated, it may be time to replace the system. If you have a broken water heater or other major plumbing issue, it is also wise to call a plumber.


While it's not always an emergency plumbing problems can be a hassle and if left untreated can lead to serious damage. If you think your pipes are leaking or your toilet is overflowing, call us now before it becomes too late!


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